Coaches Corner: Balance
Balance …….
We know, as parents, you have the necessary skill of balance covered outside of the swimming pool. We are working on improving your swimmer's balance inside of the swimming pool!
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When a swimmer uses a scissor kick when trying to flutter kick, breaststroke kick or swim on their backs, it is most often because they are or feel off balance. We work on getting our balance before we work on forward motion.
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You don’t have to kick to stay on top of the water. We work on body positioning to allow the water to lift us before we work on kicking or pulling.
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You should not lay your head back to float on your back. We work on pushing our ears in the water, leaving the head neutral.
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If we push against the water , it will push back at us! Rather than lifting or turning our heads to breath, we work on pushing the water with our chest, shoulder or side to have the water lift our head.
Once we understand we can float across the pool, we can then focus on how to move ourselves with different strokes to move easier, THEN faster.
Hammerheads Coaches