
Orange v. Blue Swim Meet - Tomorrow, May 23

Hammerhead Families,

We are looking forward to our upcoming intersquad meet tomorrow, Monday May 23! Our goal is that we end the night feeling that we collectively pulled off a fun practice meet that helped us prepare our swimmers, volunteers, families, and coaches for our upcoming competition season.


  • ENTRY & EXIT for a swim meet will be through the FRONT of the swim club entrance. Do not prop open any gates at any time during the swim meet or swim meet preparation as this creates a safety issue.
  • Swimmers should arrive between 4:50-5:00pm and check-in at their age-group wrangler tent. IMPORTANT: Swimmers are to remain at their age-group tent throughout the swim meet. Parents are welcome and encouraged to sit around the age group tents to help ensure their swimmers do not miss an event.
  • Volunteers:
    • 4:50-5:10 Volunteers Check-In (details below); EXCEPTION for swim meet setup, concessions, and wranglers who will receive separate guidance
    • Shift 2 volunteers see below for shift change details
  • Parents / Spectators not acting in volunteer roles should remain behind roped off areas throughout the swim meet. Thanks for helping to ensure an efficient meet!

Meet Schedule:

4:50pm - 5:00pm Swimmer Arrival & check in at age group wrangler tent

5:20pm Judges, Timers, Scorekeeper, Announcer meeting with Meet Director at the Orange Starter Tent

5:35pm Deck Volunteers report to deck assignments; Wranglers to have age 11 & Up 100 IM and 6&U relays behind swim lanes

5:40pm National Anthem

5:45pm Swim Meet begins!

SPECTATOR SEATING: Let's work together to ensure everyone has a chance to watch their kid swim! Parent & spectator chairs should remain in the grassy area. No chairs are allowed on the deck (deck = concrete). We want all parents to see their kid's events. When your swimmer's event is taking place, please feel welcome to stand at the lap pool behind the roped off area to cheer and watch, and then we kindly ask you move away from the lap pool so others may watch their swimmers. Please do not move swim club chairs and tables from their locations.

SWIM MEET VOLUNTEERS: With the exception of meet set-up, concessions and wranglers all other volunteers are asked to check-in between 4:50-5:10 at the volunteer check-in table located in front of the lifeguard shack area. ALL Shift 2 Judges and Timers are expected to attend the Judge / Timer Meeting at 5:20pm. With the exception of the concessions & hospitality teams who will receive separate guidance; ALL SHIFT 2 volunteers are expected to complete a shift change at the start of the intermission break which will begin following event # 31 (men 15-18 25y Free). To see your volunteer slot in swimtopia app > click on orange and blue event; scroll down to work shift.

CONCESSIONS: Pink’s Pizza will be available onsite for $3 a slice, plus an abundance of sweet and salty snacks and a variety of beverages, all priced at $1 an item. Card and/or cash will be accepted, and we kindly request small bills for cash transactions.

PARKING: The swim club parking lot and main lodge 88 parking lot may be used. Spillover parking is also available Please do not park in any reserved spots near the swim club entrance. Additional parking is available in the field across from the lodge if needed. DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN CARS.

WHAT TO WEAR & BRING: Swimmers should wear their team suit, swimcap, goggles and bring a towel, sandals, and filed labeled water bottle. Please LABEL all gear with your swimmers First and Last Name. Parents & spectators should dress in comfortable dress. Volunteers should wear tennis shoes / comfortable shoes. Given the heat please bring hats, sunglasses and plenty of sunscreen!

MEET ENTRIES: We guarantee each swimmer is entered in the individual freestyle event and a relay given our league rules and team size. DO NOT attempt to have your swimmer’s meet entries changed the day of the meet. Know that our coaches put in a lot of time and effort to complete meet entries, and they are more familiar with a swimmer’s skillset when they have attended more practices. Note, results/times from our intersquad meet do not count towards Meet of Champs qualifications.

We're looking forward to having a fun night. Go Hammerheads! 

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