COVID-19 Policies: Reminder
Dear Hammerhead Families,
With the increase in COVID-19 cases over the past 2 weeks, we encourage families to review our COVID-19 policies. You will find them below and on our website.
We would like to clarify that a swimmer's 5-day quarantine begins the day AFTER symptoms start or a positive COVID test. Swimmers must complete 5 full days of quarantine to return to Hammerhead activities. For example, if your child tests positive or shows COVID-19 symptoms on May 24, they can return to Hammerhead activities on May 30.
Heights Hammerheads COVID-19 PoliciesHammerheads Aquatics believes that reasonable precautions to protect the safety of our swimmers, coaches, parents, families and others are important. Accordingly, the team has adopted the guidelines and protocol set forth below, which applies in connection with all Hammerhead activities until further notice.
DISCLAIMER: Swimmers, parents, family, coaches, and spectators engaging in swim team, and any activities related to swim team, do so with knowledge of the risk and potential exposure involved and agree to accept any and all inherent risks to their personal health.
Note: An individual’s status for purposes of these criteria is dependent on the honor system. Out of respect for the safety and health concerns of our Hammerhead Swim Team families, some of whom may be at high risk of serious illness from COVID-19 or unable to be vaccinated for a variety of reasons, we ask that all Hammerhead participants take these criteria seriously.
COVID-19 Exposure Response Guidelines for All Attendees at Hammerhead Aquatics events (Coaches, Swimmers, Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, etc.)
Please visit the Centers for Disease Control symptom list and perform a personal health screen each day before you visit Lodge 88 pool. The most concerning threat to an organized sports team is infection transmission within the group and beyond. Effective containment depends on early symptom identification, removal from practice (isolation and quarantine), and adherence to guidance regarding return to practice. Hammerhead Aquatics recommendations are subject to change. Any guidance provided by a public health entity supersedes this guidance.
A Hammerhead Swim Team attendee (Coach, Swimmer, Parent, Grandparent, Sibling, etc.) should not attend any Hammerhead Swim event (practice, meet, etc.) if any of the items below are true:
- You live with someone who has tested COVID-19 positive or is presumed COVID-19 positive;
- You have a fever ≥100.4ºF;
- You are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- You have tested positive for COVID-19; or
- You have been notified or are aware that you were in close contact (<6 ft for 15 min. or more) of a confirmed positive COVID-19 person
You have not completed the required period of self-isolation or obtained a negative COVID-19 test result in accordance with the specific return to play requirements set forth below.
Return to Activity Criteria:
Individuals with a CONFIRMED COVID-19 positive case with symptom(s) may return to Hammerhead swim team activities when all of the following criteria are satisfied:
- No participation in Hammerhead events for at least 5 days after symptom(s) onset during this period of self-isolation; AND
- No fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications; AND
- Improvements of other symptoms (excluding loss of taste or smell as these two are reported to persist longer in some cases)
Individuals with a confirmed COVID-19 positive case without symptoms may return to Hammerhead activities when all of the following criteria are satisfied:
- No participation for 5 days after day of testing; AND
- Continuation of no symptoms.
Individuals presumed to be COVID-19 positive (individual having one or more COVID-19 symptoms) may return to Hammerhead activities when the following criteria are satisfied:
- No participation in Hammerhead events for 5 days after symptom(s) onset; OR
- Obtain a negative COVID-19 test result (PCR or at-home test)
Individuals with known or possible close contact to a confirmed positive case may return to Hammerhead activity based on the following:
- Individuals who are fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 in the last 3 months may return to participation immediately, but should continue to monitor symptoms
- Individuals who are unvaccinated or not recovered from COVID-19 in last 3 months must not participate for 5 days OR receive a negative test result (PCR or at-home test) taken no sooner than 72 hours since possible exposure